12 Success Habits
It’s exciting to think about having your own business. You’re the boss, and you call the shots. With that freedom comes some problems that you may encounter.
If you’ve never been the boss, you may have to learn a few things that you need to do, and a few things that you have to avoid.
If you’re a one person business, you’re the boss of yourself. For me, I had a hard time at first. I wasn’t a very good employee, and if I had someone working for me that did what I was doing, I would fire them. But I can’t fire myself!
So I had to learn a few new success habits. In this article, I’ll present 12 habits that have been helpful for other, and my goal is that you can use some of them to improve your results.
1. Keep Learning
When you’re running a business, you have to know what’s going on in your market. You want to know about any changes that can affect how you do business.
And you want to always get better. You need to keep improving and growing your business. A good way to do this is to read in your field every day.
Set aside some time every day so you can read. It can be a book, magazines in your niche, or online sites. The idea is to keep learning and keep improving.
2. Do It Now
Procrastination is a big enemy. It will waste your time and keep you from getting things done. Get into the habit of doing things that are in front of you.
Instead of setting them aside, get them done, so you can move onto the next task.
3. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

There are always going to be times when you have to do something that you’ve never done before. Or something that you dread and don’t want to do.
The only way forward is to recognize the fear, and push yourself to do it anyway. The reason is because you know that you’re going to have to face it sometime, so why not get it over with.
And guess what? After you do it a few times, you’ll discover that it wasn’t so bad after all.
4. Do Something New
This tip is similar to the last one. It’s about doing new things, and getting out of your comfort zone. You know what I’m talking about.
There are things that you need to do or learn that you haven’t done. Maybe you have convinced yourself that it isn’t important, but it still is at the back of your mind.
Every once in a while it’s good for you to stretch yourself and see what you can do.
5. Consistency
There are things that you have to do on a regular basis. If you put it off, it will pile up, and when you get to it, it will be a lot harder. So be consistent.
6. Exercise Regularly

An awesome success habit is to exercise on a regular basis. Several times a week. When you set aside time to exercise, it will pay off in increased energy and a feeling of well-being.
You can’t be effective if you don’t feel well, and if you exercise and keep good healthy habits, you’ll be more effective in every area of your life.
7. Spend Quiet Time
Sometimes it seems that life is hectic, with too much to do and no time to rest. Do yourself a favor and set aside time to relax and take a break.
It doesn’t have to be long. 15-30 minutes away from the computer and the phone, where you sit and let your mind wander can be very beneficial to your mood and set the tone for the rest of your day.
8. Manage Your Expenses
Keep up with your income and what your expenses are. Have a plan for where you are going to invest in your business. And have a plan for any investments that you want to make.
9. Set Goals
Goals are important, and the more specific the better. A common goal is to make a lot of money. But if you don’t have a goal, it’s hard to plan and get there.
A goal gives you a target, and allows you to make plans and to lay out the steps you need to get there.
10. Focus On The Important Tasks

The day to day activities that come with running your own business can take up most of your time if you’re not careful. It’s true that you have to get these tasks done, but you don’t want to lose sight of the main areas that you need to focus on to grow your business.
Get a whiteboard or put up a note where you can see it to remind you daily about the important areas that you need to focus on. If you have employees, make sure that they do the same thing. Focus will get you to where you need to go.
11. Hang Out With Good People
Movie producers hang out with directors and actors. Writers hang out with publishers and other writers. Entrepreneurs hang out with other entrepreneurs.
This gives you the opportunity to ask and share advice, and to meet others that you can help you in your business journey.
You don’t always have to talk about business. In the course of meeting and hanging out, you can form friendships and alliances that can help both your business and the businesses of the people you meet.
12. Monitor Your Progress
Keep a journal or record of your daily activities. If not daily, on a regular basis, write down what you’ve accomplished, what you want to do in the future, and what assets and skills you need to get you there.
A journal is a great asset you can use to do a review of how your business is going. It’s a great way to see how your business is performing, and will give you ideas of what plans you want to put in place for the next few weeks.
I hope these suggestions help you in some way.
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